Weltfrauentag in Kumbo


heute habe ich zwei überraschende e-mails erhalten. Eine von Bernhard Kong und die andere von Makelia Ngi. Beide teilten mir (und andere) das heute der Weltfrauentag ist. In Kamerun und vor allem in Kumbo gibt es heite viel zu sehen. Einige Bilder haben sie mir geschickt. Frauen in bunten, wunderschönen Gewändern. Viele Gruppen von Frauen, und jede Gruppe hat ihren eigenen Gewand

Hallo, hello,

Good day! Today is women’s day 2005. It is full of colours here in Kumbo. What is the situation with you out there? As you can see, the Women of PCC are nicely dressed in the Women’s day Uniform.
You will surely get more photos of this day sometime this week.


Hello friends,
Special gretings from Cameroon. How are you pushing on with your activities in Germany together with Winter? It is very hot in cameroon and we are still waiting for the rains to come. We have about 26 degrees now and a lot of sunshine.

Today was women’s day and we celebrated it together as Cameroonian women. We had matching at the grandstand with lot of activities. After that, we celebrated in various groups by sharing together some chewables and drinks as a sign of togetherness.

We also had one uniform for this year as you will see in the photos attached. It is our tradition that we have something different each year. Christina Peterek and I went to witness the occasion and it was very interesting for her to see only women on the move. i am sure that she was happy. We came back to the office and continued the celebration with our team.

How was it in Germany?

Makelia NGI