Afrika im Bistum Limburg erfahren

Erlebniswoche in der St. Antonius-Gemeinde Eschhofen

LIMBURG / ESCHHOFEN. Auf nach Afrika heißt es in diesem Jahr für neun Mitglieder der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde St. Antonius in Eschhofen. Sie besuchen im Sommer Kumbo, die afrikanische Partnerdiözese des Bistums Limburg. Zur Einstimmung auf die Reise veranstaltet die Gemeinde jetzt eine Afrika-Woche. Von Sonntag, den 2., bis Samstag, den 9. März steht Eschhofen ganz im Zeichen des schwarzen Kontinents.

Eröffnet wird die Erlebniswoche mit einem Gottesdienst um 10.00 Uhr, den die Band JOY musikalisch gestaltet. Die Produkte des Eine-Welt-Ladens sowie eine Ausstellung zum Thema „Kamerun – Einblicke in Land und Leute“ bieten anschließend die Gelegenheit, Kumbo näher kennen zulernen. Höhepunkt des Eröffnungstages ist das afrikanische Mittagessen: Das exotische Menü reicht von Viktoriabarsch über Springbock bis hin zu Straußenfleisch.

Mit einer musikalischen Reise geht es zum Wochenauftakt weiter: Am Montag (3.) bietet die Musikpädagogin Birgit Dahm-Begeré einen Trommlerworkshop und eine afrikanische Klangreise für Kinder an. Am Dienstag (4.) haben die Erwachsenen die Möglichkeit, sich an der afrikanischen Trommel, der sogenannten Djembe, aus zu probieren. Der Mittwoch (5.) steht ganz im Zeichen der Information: Christian Maier vom Referat Weltkirche im Bischöflichen Ordinariat stellt in seinem Vortrag „Bistum- / Gemeindepartnerschaften“ die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Diözese Limburg und Kumbo vor. Beim „Basteln auf afrikanisch“ erfahren Kinder am Donnerstag (6.) einiges über das Leben ihrer afrikanischen Altersgenossen, während die Erwachsenen am Samstag (8.) mit der Kursleiterin Jerry Jalloh aus Sierra Leone Tänze zu afrikanischen Rhythmen proben. Die Afrika-Woche endet am Sonntag, den 9. März, mit dem Abschlussgottesdienst um 10.00 Uhr und dem Krabbelgottesdienst um 16.00 Uhr.

Viele Veranstaltungen der Erlebniswoche sind kostenlos. Freiwillige Unkostenbeiträge sind allerdings willkommen – die Gemeinde St. Antonius spendet den Erlös der gesamten Woche an verschiedene Kinderprojekte im Bistum Kumbo. Das Programm der Afrika-Woche steht hier zum Download bereit. (bf)


Cameroonians in trouble

Dear friends,
It is rather unfortunate that our country is going through a very difficult moment. There is a serious strike in cameroon about the high prices of goods. The whole country is in confusion and schools have been stopped. Today we stopped lectures at 12 noon until futher notice. It is a a pity.

Ephriam BAM

Das Auswärtige Amt rät bis auf weiteres von nicht notwendigen Reisen nach Kamerun ab.

Die Sicherheitslage in Kamerun ist derzeit aufgrund innenpolitischer und sozialer Spannungen sehr kritisch.

Die Unzufriedenheit der Bevölkerung mit der innenpolitischen Lage und den allgemeinen Lebensbedingungen (geplante Verfassungsänderung, unzureichende öffentliche Dienste, Versorgungsengpässe, steigende Lebenshaltungskosten) macht sich nach der letzten Benzinpreiserhöhung seit ein paar Tagen durch gewaltsame Demonstrationen, verbunden mit Ausschreitungen und Plünderungen Luft.

In den Provinzen West, Nordwest, Südwest, Littoral und Zentrum ist die Lage angespannt. Es gibt Strassensperren, in einzelnen Städten gewaltsame Auseinandersetzungen.

Deutschen Staatsbürgern, die sich privat oder dienstlich derzeit in Kamerun aufhalten, wird empfohlen, vorerst in ihren Häusern oder Hotels zu bleiben und sich bei der deutschen Botschaft zu registrieren.

Da sich die Lage schnell ändern kann, sollten auch die Nachrichten in den Medien verfolgt werden.

Alle Fahrten – sowohl innerstädtisch, als auch über Land – sollten auf das unbedingt Notwendige beschränkt werden. Von Überlandfahrten wird abgeraten.

Menschenansammlungen sollten gemieden werden.

Weitere Information auf der Homepage des Auswärtigen Amtes (klicken)

Wie eine Bornheimerin Kranken in Kamerun hilft

Bornheim. Sechs Prozent der Erwachsenen zwischen 15 und 49 Jahren in Kamerun haben Aids. Ein Arzt betreut im Durchschnitt mehr als 5200 Menschen. In den Krankenhäusern kommt es immer wieder zu Engpässen bei der Versorgung mit Medikamenten und medizinischem Material. Über die Situation im Limburger Partnerbistum Kumbo/Kamerun informieren der Bornheimer “Fair-ein” und der Weltladen Bornheim unter dem Titel “Verlassen ” und doch nicht allein”.
Aids ist eine der größten pastoralen und sozialen Herausforderungen, der sich das Bistum Kumbo stellen muss. Das Family Life Office” des Bistums stellt sich dieser Aufgabe und hat über die Jahre hinweg Programme zur Aufklärung, Unterstützung und Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe entwickelt. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren besteht eine Partnerschaft zwischen dem Bistum Kumbo und dem Bistum Limburg.
m Rahmen dieser Partnerschaft hat Daniela Lukacic, Gemeindereferentin in St. Josef, ein Jahr in Kumbo gelebt und als Freiwillige im “Family Life Office” gearbeitet. Mit Bildern und Eindrücken berichtet sie über den Alltag als Weiße in Kumbo, das Leben mit Aids und den Einsatz der Kirche vor Ort. (fnp)

Der Vortrag beginnt heute um 20 Uhr im Weltladen in der Berger Straße 133.

Quelle: Frankfurter Neue Presse, Printausgabe vom 27.02.2008

Catholic Men Association (CMA) Kumbo urged to stop widow and orphan church

By Livinus Tal Bam

Cma The Catholic Men Association (CMA) are stepping up efforts to attain a Diocesan Status in Kumbo to be capable of handling other church activities which have solely been taken care of by the CWA, Youth Movement and Cadets. In one of their bi-monthly Deanery meetings which held recently at the Kumbo Cathedral Hall, the men expressed their determination to boost the membership of the CMA.

As a result, some men have been designated to go round the different parishes that make up the Kumbo Deanery and mobilize men who are still dragging their feet. Ahead of the St. Joseph’s Feast Day, Patron Saint of the CMA, which comes up on March 19, 2008, the men are working hard towards handling the principal parts of the mass on the occasion.

Calling on men not to make the Church an orphan and a widow church, the Canon of the Cathedral in Kumbo, Rev. Fr. Christopher Seka, challenged them to carry out a thorough self examination by asking why many men are not registered in the Catholic Men Association. He called on the Catholic Women Association, CWA, to help the CMA grow by encouraging their husbands who are not yet members of the CMA to join their brothers who are already pushing the association ahead.

The meeting was chaired by the Vice President, Ndosak Joseph in the place of the Deanery President, Lukong Ephraim who was unavoidably absent. The Kumbo Deanery CMA was created in June 2007 during a Constituent Assembly at Shisong, which brought together a total of 45 men from the six parishes of Melim, Meluf, Tobin, Mbve, Kumbo and Shisong. One year after, the association has a membership of 121 active men.

February 18, 2008

The Kumbo Diocesan workers attend a good relationship forum

By Livinus Tal Bam


A two day training seminar for all diocesan workers in Kumbo has gone underway at the Kumbo St. Jerome Biblical Pastoral Centre. Organized by the coordinator of the Diocesan Pastoral Formation Team, Rev. Fr. Cyprian Tatah Ferdzefer, the seminar drilled workers from all walks of life, on acceptable inter-relational skills.

The two day seminar was organised to bridge the differences that exist among Kumbo Diocesan workers. Discussions at the seminar revolved around the following questions, who is a diocesan worker and what is a Church?
After a general discussion it was concluded that diocesan workers are trainers and servants at the services of pilgrims on their way to heaven. When this definition was reached, the workers themselves began to discover that they were actually handling important functions within the Church. They also came to the realization that their work in their various diocesan services was not just to earn a living, but that they are doing a great job of transforming the world to become a better place.

Another subject that came up for discussion was the spirituality of diocesan workers. In this respect, workers were reminded of the need to live their Christian lives as the Church demands. The Vicar General of Kumbo, Rev. Fr. Roland Berngeh, while alluding to this topic called on all diocesan workers to keep the Ten Commandments. Diocesan workers, it was said, are children of the same family with different talents, working in different services but for the same master. It is therefore important that a cordial relationship should prevail among them. Rev. Fr. Daniel Ache, who facilitated the seminar, challenged the workers to work as a team, adding that without collective action, they cannot succeed. “It is in dealing with one another and complementing the efforts of one another that we are going to succeed,” he said.

The facilitator called on the participants to be flexible enough in order to establish a platform for dialogue and discussion. He also called on them to accept their co-workers as they are, to live the Sacrament of Reconciliation, be appreciative and extend a helping hand to each other. Fr Daniel Ache advised diocesan workers to discard pride, drop gossip and abandon dishonesty because they are social ills with an infinite capacity to ruin situations. Though one has never seen God, Fr. Daniel concluded that as long as Christians love one another, God will be in mankind and his love will reign in them. Other topics which spiced the seminar were the relationship between employer and employee and the status of a diocesan worker.

The chancellor of the Diocese of Kumbo, Rev. Fr. Peter Foleng and the Diocesan Coordinator for the Family Life Apostolate, Ephriam Lukong, handled some of the topics that came up for discussion. At the end of the seminar, the participants expressed satisfaction with the training they had received.

February 18, 2008

Nkar celebrates quadruple events

By Br. Singfred Sinior M’sene, BSM


On Thursday, January 4, 2008, the Christian community of Nkar in Kumbo Diocese, friends and relatives of Fai Patrick Tangwa, popularly called ‘ Fai Koffi’ thronged the premises of Saint Mary’s Church Nkar, to thank God for a series of blessings showered on his family .

The events were the 80th birthday anniversary of Fai Koffi, the 70th birthday anniversary of Fai koffi’s wife, Mama Felicia Wichin, the Golden Jubilee of their marriage, the 40th birthday anniversary of their Son, Rev. Fr. Eugene Nkardzedze and the 10th anniversary of Fr. Nkardzedze’s ordination to the priesthood.

Catholic Christians and Christians of other denominations, especially from Mfumte, braved the bad roads, travelling for two days in an open-back truck, to witness the event. Mfumte is the most remote quasi parish in Kumbo Diocese and evangelisation there is still at the primary level. Fr. Nkardzedze has been serving there as Parish Priest for about five years.

The occasion began with Holy Mass at 11 a.m, which was presided at by the Bishop of Kumbo, Mgr. George Nkuo. He concelebrated the mass with the Parish Priest of Nkar, Rev. Fr. Oliver Shey and his Vicar, Rev. Fr. Roland Berngeh. After a splendid lectionary procession led by the cadet’s of Mary, Fai koffi’s two children, Dr. Edwin Nformi and Rev Sr. Pascaline Ghandzene, proclaimed the first and second Readings respectively. In his homily, Fr. Berngeh laid emphasis, to a greater extent, on the 10th anniversary of Fr. Nkardzedze in the priesthood.

He said, to many organising an event to thank God for 10 years in the priesthood, may be considered premature. He then, underscored the importance of thanksgiving to God for every achievement in life, no mater how small. He further explained that priests need to thank God in a special way, for even one year in the priesthood, because some people have tried for one year and have not succeeded. He called on all who have been praying and encouraging Fr. Nkardzedze in the ministry, to keep on for the journey is still long. The homily was followed by the renewal of the marital vows of Fai Koffi and his wife and the renewal of Fr Nkardzedze’s priestly vows.

The Fai Koffi Family presented many gifts during offertory. Among the gifts presented were some chasubles to the Parish Church. The Christians of Mfumte, who arrived a few minutes to the end of the Mass, had a chance to present their gifts before the final blessing. Their offertory procession was special. They stole the show by singing and dancing beautifully. Their modest attire did not water down their enthusiasm. They presented beautifully weaved handicraft items. Fai Koffi and his son Fr Nkardzedze praised those who had come to join them in thanking God for the innumerable blessings showered on their family over the years.

They said they could not find the appropriate words to convey their gratitude to all those who had turned out to support them. Fr. Nkardzedze lauded the efforts of the people of Mfumte. He said when he first went to Mfumte the people did not want to see him because they were very suspicious of church’s mission. ‘Now they have become my best friends’ he said. He called on all to think of Mfumte, whose inhabitants are living below the poverty level. The parish, he said, has only about 50 communicants.

He paid tribute to Fr. Herman Guvla, present parish priest of Elak -Oku whom he described as his mentor, for his constant support in his pastoral ministry. Many priests and Religious from Nkar turned out for the event.

Source: 18, 2008