Von: Montz, Winfried
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Juli 2006 13:31
Betreff: Congratulations from Limburg Diocese
Wichtigkeit: Hoch
Dear Archbishop Cornelius,
dear friends and partners in Kumbo,
we have gracefully heart about the news according to the appointment of the new bishop of Kumbo, Rt. Rev. Fr. George Nkuo. We feel close to you and pray for you, tonight in the Diocesan Commission on Universal Church where Hiltrud Bibo and myself will have a presentation concerning the Kumbo-Limburg relation.
Please be so kind to transmit the attached letter of our Bishop Franz Kamphaus to Rt. Rev. Fr. George Nkuo. Our Bishop received the news this morning and responded directly in his happiness about this appointment.
Please keep us informed about the date of ordination, because we would like to send a small delegation if possible to realise.
Sincere greetings from this end
Winfried Montz
Universal Church Desk
Rossmarkt 4
D- 65549 Limburg
Fon: ++49-6431-295-391
Fax: ++49-6431-295-236
Email: Weltkirche@BistumLimburg.de