Bishop of Kumbo – Coat of Arms and Motto

Bishop of Kumbo, Mgr George Nkuo explains Coat of Arms and Motto

Motto: Deus Caritas Eest (1 Jn. 4: 16)
Coat of Arms: The Heart, The Cross and Ave Maria

Meaning of the Motto: Coatarms
It has a dual significance. First the good news about the love of God is at the heart of the Gospel. The real content of Jesus? message of the Kingdom consists in God?s love. God loves every human being with unconditionally. The love of God underlies the whole teaching of the Old and New Testaments. It tells us that God will always be there, that we can count on his presence at all times. All that counts is love, only love can redeem the world, a love that not all of man?s weakness, sinfulness and stubbornness can destroy. His love never wavers, never ceases. God will never give us up. The constancy of his love depends on what He is and not on what we are or on how we behave.

God?s love transforms us; it engenders hope in our life. God?s love conquers all fear and evil. God?s love makes impossible things possible. I want God?s love to be the main drive of our mission of evangelisation in Kumbo.
Secondly, ?Deus Caritas Est”, is significant as the very First Encyclical Letter of the Pope Benedict XVI. Being the first Bishop appointed by him in Cameroon, I wish to associate and unite the entire pastoral ministry with the blessings, guidance and solicitude of the Holy Father.
All my pastoral engagements will be inspired by the love of God and with total allegiance to the successor of Peter.

Symbol of the Coat of Arms
The heart is the traditional symbol of love. It is the pierced heart of Jesus and stands out to show how much God loves us.

True love is incomplete without the cross. Love conquers all because Jesus, out of love, died on the cross to redeem us. To truly love we must die on our own daily crosses so that new life may be born in each human heart.

Ave Maria:
Love was born into the world through Mary. She remains our model of what it truly means to be loved and to love. My ministry of the love of God will be entrusted to her maternal care and protection.

September 12, 2006 at 05:48 AM