The visit of Bishop Kamphaus and Mr. Winfred Montz was noted with alot of satisfaction by the entire Christian community of Kumbo Diocese. The impact of their visit was seen in the whole diocese and most special in the partner Parishes. We would like to asure you that their visit equally sthrengthened our relationship in partnership and makes us to rest on a sounder foundation which is more realistic.
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to Bishop Kamphaus for the satisfactory achievements during this his timely visit. We favourably welcome the symbolic gift of a canddle and the Partnership prayer offered by our partner Diocese of Limburg. These two gifts are very instrumental in our Christian lives back in Djottin Parish, as they are beign used in the Church, prayer groups and in our Small Christian Communities (SCCs).
We are very grateful to the entire Christian population of Limburg Diocese for the untiring help given to us, for example; Din Water Project, The invitaion and support of 10 Youths for the World Day of Youths due to take place in Cologne and your prayeful support. We also pray for you as well!
Ephriam Bam