Kumbo Diocese inaugurates Pastoral Centre

by Rev. Fr. Peter A. Foleng. SD. Kbopastoralcentre

The Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Kumbo His Grace Cornelius F. Esua, recently inaugurated the newly-constructed Pastoral Centre of the Diocese of Kumbo, during the celebration of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, which is also a day of obligation in the Diocese of Kumbo, an event which coincided with the date of the Episcopal ordination of the first residential bishop on the grounds of St. Augustine’s College, Nso, in 1982. After blessing the centre, the clergy, religious and the laity of the diocese joined the Apostolic Administrator in a concelebrated high Mass. During his homily, the Archbishop explained why the Diocese of Kumbo took on the 8th of December as a day of obligation.

He highlighted the role of Mary in Salvation history and called on all present to follow the example of Mary of the Immaculate Conception: “Like Mary we have also been called by God to be holy and spotless by living through love in the presence of God.”
Turning to the occasion marking the blessing of the pastoral centre, he told the faithful that the blessing of the first phase of a more complex structure still in the making definitely marked a milestone in the history of the Diocese of Kumbo in her 23rd year.
After setting up various apostolate and relevant services like the Education Secretariat, Youth Formation Team, Family Life, Justice and Peace, Social Welfare, Health Coordination, Mass Media and Pastoral Team, the bishop continued.
“It was necessary to endow these services not only with the adequate offices for their proper functioning but also to provide them with the appropriate structures for the formation of the personnel, the pastoral agents and the relevant categories of the faithful”.
He explained that it was for this reason that the effort was made to put up the various structures, which now include the pastoral centre. After highlighting the various benefactors who have contributed to the construction of this first phase of the complex, he exhorted the local communities of the diocese to take up their own responsibility by contributing their own quota for the project.
The Kumbo Pastoral centre will greatly facilitate the ongoing training of the clergy and the pastoral formation of the laity, who hitherto had to use hired premises. The Pastoral centre which has been named St. Jerome Pastoral Centre, has an administrative block, 26 self-contained sleeping rooms, a hall with a seating capacity of 300, a refectory with equal capacity and 10 conference rooms.
Apart from training the laity, by deepening of their faith through sound biblical instruction, the centre will also be open to members of the public who require adequate space for various events. The centre is situated adjacent to St. Augustine’s College on a beautifully-terraced plot overlooking the Banso Baptist Hospital and the Bishop’s House complex in Kumbo.
If you are in Kumbo or have just arrived Kumbo and will like to have some quiet, meditation and prayer, call at the St. Jerome Pastoral Centre.


Kumbo Diocese prayerfully awaits another bishop

by Lvinus Tal Bam. Esq.

Christians of the Diocese of Kumbo have been waiting patiently ever since their bishop was named Co-Adjutor in the Archdiocese of Bamenda, and as at Monday January 24, their patience had slightly turned to anxiety after Archbishop Paul Verdzekov officially handed over the Crosier to “their bishop”, Mgr. Cornelius F. Esua.

Their feelings can be likened to those of children whose father spends most of his time in the coast and only comes home occasionally.
This has been the case since January 11, when Bishop Esua took up new residence in Bamenda, and has been busy commuting to Kumbo where he still serves as the Apostolic Administrator. On January 22, 2006, Archbishop Paul Verdzekov turned 75, the age stipulated by Canon Law for a bishop to go on retirement. He also celebrated his 35th anniversary at the helm of the Archdiocese of Bamenda, with a Thanksgiving Mass during which he handed over the “Staff” to Archbishop Cornelius Esua. Archbishop Paul Verdzekov is now Archbishop Emeritus of Bamenda.
The Communication Department of the Diocese of Kumbo wishes Mgr. Esua a fruitful ministry and a well deserved rest for “Fr. Paul Verdzekov”, as he loves to be called. As this smooth transition is taking place in Bamenda, anxiety reigns amongst the faithful.
Meanwhile, in Kumbo, all ears are up like jack-rabbits, listening to Rome for a Papal appointment of a new Bishop for Kumbo.
May the Holy Spirit guide the appointment of a shepherd who will follow the example of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

January 28, 2006 at 12:54 AM in


Gänsehaut bei der Messe in Kamerun

Unterliederbach. «So ein bisschen Gänsehautgefühl», habe er schon gehabt beim Gottesdienst im kamerunischen Djottin, sagt Rudolf Fleckenstein. Mehr als drei Stunden habe die Zeremonie gedauert, wegen der zahlreichen neuen Eindrücke sei es aber «keine Minute langweilig» gewesen, erzählt der Caritas-Mitarbeiter. Zusammen mit Brigitte Henrich und Ulf Erdmann hat Fleckenstein die afrikanische Pfarrei St. Joseph, Partnergemeinde von St. Johannes Apostel, besucht. Anlass der Reise war der fünfte Geburtstag der Gemeindepartnerschaft, die eingebettet ist in die seit mehr als 20 Jahren bestehende istumspartnerschaft zwischen Kumbo und Limburg.

Am Dienstagabend berichteten die drei Reisenden von ihrem zweiwöchigen Aufenthalt in Kamerun im Oktober vergangenen Jahres. Mitglieder der Eine-Welt-Gruppe, aber auch andere Interessierte waren ins alte Pfarrhaus an der Königsteiner Straße gekommen, um Lichtbilder und Fotos anzuschauen, Fragen zu stellen und ein Tässchen afrikanischen Tee zu trinken. Akustischer Höhepunkt war ein Mitschnitt des Festgottesdienstes, der anlässlich der fünfjährigen Gemeindepartnerschaft in Djottin gefeiert wurde: Zum für europäische Ohren exotischen Gesang der kamerunischen Gemeinde erklangen dumpfe Trommelrhythmen.

Bild:Besuch in Mfumte: Father Eugen Nkardzedze

Der Gottesdienst dauerte auch deshalb so lang, weil die Gemeinde bestimmte liturgische Elemente besonders betonte: Vor dem Evangelium trugen Gemeindemitglieder die Bibel in einer gut zwanzigminütigen Prozession zum Lesepult. «Außerdem wurden die Opfergaben tanzend zum Altar gebracht», sagt Brigitte Henrich, die in der allgemeinen Lebensberatung von St. Johannes mitarbeitet.

Zum Empfang nach der Messe versammelte sich eine große Menschenmenge aus Djottin und Umgebung vor der Kirche. Eines der Geschenke, die der deutschen Delega tion überreicht wurden, war ein kunstvoll bemaltes Tuch, auf dem die Worte «One Father, one Love, one World» ? ein Vater, eine Liebe, eine Welt ? zu lesen sind.

Wie es zu der Gemeindepartnerschaft zwischen St. Johannes und St. Joseph kam, erläutert Stefan Hecktor von der Eine-Welt-Gruppe: Die Gemeinde habe seit Jahren fair gehandelte Produkte aus der so genannten Dritten Welt verkauft und einen Überschuss erwirtschaftet. «Wohin mit dem Geld?», lautete die Frage, die sich die Verantwortlichen stellten. In dieser Situation ergab es sich, dass Ulf Erdmann über das Referat Weltkirche des Bistums Limburg von der Möglichkeit einer Gemeindepartnerschaft erfuhr. Weil sich viele in der Gemeinde wünschten, den Eine-Welt-Gedanken weiter zu vertiefen, kam tatsächlich eine Partnerschaft zu Stande.

Eine sehr lebendige noch dazu: Drei Delegationen aus Unterliederbach waren inzwischen in Kamerun zu Gast, aber auch Geistliche aus Djottin sind schon in St. Johannes zu Besuch gewesen. Ephriam Bam und Makelia Ngi haben von 2002 bis 2003 ein Jahrespraktikum im Bistum Limburg gemacht, zudem unterstützt St. Johannes mit Spenden den Bau einer Wasserleitung in der Nähe der Gemeinde St. Joseph.

Zu Beginn des Treffens der Eine-Welt-Gruppe beteten die Versammelten übrigens für Bischof Cornelius Esua aus Kamerun, der vor vier Jahren in St. Johannes Apostel zu Gast war und diese Woche sein Amt als Erzbischof antrat. «Wir sind mit unserer Partnergemeinde im Gebet verbunden», sagte Stefan Hecktor von der Eine-Welt-Gruppe. «Ich bin ganz, ganz sicher, dass das Gebet ankommt.» (chc)

Archbishop Cornelius Esua Inducted

Cameroon Tribune (Yaoundé)
January 25, 2006
Posted to the web January 25, 2006

By Eldickson Agbortogo

The occasion also witnessed the official retirement of Archbishop Paul Verdzekov.

Thousands of Christians, traditional rulers and administrative heads yesterday thronged the Bamenda Metropolitan Cathedral to witness the induction of Archbishop Cornelius Fontem Esua. Archbishop Esua, was appointed on December 7, 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI. Before his appointment, Archbishop Esua was Bishop at the Kumbo Diocese where he has served for 23 years under a self-chosen motto “sermo tuus veritqs est” meaning “Your Word is Truth. He replaces 75-year-old Archbishop Paul Verdzekov who has spent 35 years as the shepherd of the archdiocese of Bamenda, which he is a founding father.

Drawing inspiration from the first and second lessons which states “Blessed be the Lord who has granted rest to this people” (from the book of kings 8: 55 – 61) and ” We are waiting for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed” (from the 1St letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians, 1Cor 1: 3-9), the chief celebrant of the occasion, Archbishop Eliseo Antonio Ariotti, Apostolic Nuncio to Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea hailed the appointment of Archbishop Cornelius Esua by the Pope and called on the Christians faithful to show their love by giving him the needed support in his new challenges. Some of the challenges he said were those of building a church that preaches unity and reconciliation. He said the gathering is not only to celebrate the appointment of Archbishop Cornelius Esua and his attributions, but to kick start a new era.

To the outgoing Archbishop Paul Verdzekov who goes on meritorious retirement, the Apostolic Nuncio said his mission is not ended. He said even though he will not be at the forefront, fellow worshipers and Christian ministers will need his services. He will remain a pontifical member of the Synod of Africa, will assist in the preparatory meeting in Rome on reconciliation, justice and peace. Archbishop Paul Verdzekov whose 75th anniversary was also celebrated yesterday, will be remembered for his landmark achievements beginning with the birth of the Kumbo Diocese in 1982. He has been a great and exemplary pastor endowed with extraordinary qualities-human and spiritual. Many have described him as one of the intellectual giants of the church in Africa because of the invaluable contributions he has made not only on the level of the church in Cameroon, which he led for six years as the President of the National Episcopal Conference, but also on the continental and university levels . Mr. Yang Philemon represented the Head of State at the grandiose ceremony that was also attended by over twenty archbishops and bishops.

Copyright © 2006 Cameroon Tribune. All rights reserved.
Distributed by AllAfrica Global Media (allAfrica.com).


Din Water Project just started last week – 2005

Hello Dear Friends,

I wish to inform you that work on the Din Water Project just started last week.

The population of Din went to the Forest at Mbesa to dig the catchment area.

Building of the catchment starts next week so I will send you some pictures whenever I am chanced to.

On the 27.12.05, the people of Din had fundraising
in the village for the project.

They were able to raise about 800.000frs CFA.
They are still making efforts to raise more within this peroid.

Thanks once more for your generousity to support us in this project.
We remain grateful for yoour support which has enabled us to reach this stage.

Ephriam BAM

| Have a look to our partnership homepage: |
| http://www.kumbo-limburg.org |
